Vent-A-Hood takes on Contemporary

Turn on this Vent-A-Hood® range hood, and you’ll hear a whisper, in addition create a one of a kind statement in your kitchen.   The Magic Lung® blower system provides the lowest sound ratings in the industry, especially at high speed where it counts.  This system traps cooking contaminates, liquefies grease vapors, and removes heat-polluted air.  […]

BeckySue Becker, CMKBD, CAPS, CLIPP™

Published 02/18/2011

Turn on this Vent-A-Hood® range hood, and you’ll hear a whisper, in addition create a one of a kind statement in your kitchen.   The Magic Lung® blower system provides the lowest sound ratings in the industry, especially at high speed where it counts.  This system traps cooking contaminates, liquefies grease vapors, and removes heat-polluted air.  Performance you deserve!  Vent-A-Hood takes their hood seriously and to prove that to you, they carry a most impressive 5 year warranty!


Model GTH8K

The hood is available in stainless steel while the lip can be brass, copper, s/s or mirror.

Model XLH12

The XLH12 canaopy hood is carries all the same power in performance but also provides decorative side rails. Picture your most used utensils within reach.


Model CWEH6

And this wall mounted range hood offers a multi-layered visual effect.



Bathroom Safety with Style

Bathroom Safety with Style

Regarding bathroom safety, we often think of boring grab bars and industrial-looking fixtures. But it’s time to change that perception.

About the Designer

BeckySue Becker, CMKBD, CAPS, CLIPP™

Becky Sue Becker is a Certified Master Kitchen & Bath Designer, Certified Aging-In-Place Specialist, and Certified Living-In-Place Professional™. She is an award-winning designer serving the greater Atlanta region.