A Day Made of Glass

Our world is being changed by technology faster than most of us realize.   Certainly faster than most of us can keep up with too!  Iphone, Ipod, Droid, Kindle… and this year the Ipad reaches even further.   Have you ever wondered how far technology is advanced?   This video by Corning Glass will give you a glimpse […]

BeckySue Becker, CMKBD, CAPS, CLIPP™

Published 03/03/2011

Our world is being changed by technology faster than most of us realize.   Certainly faster than most of us can keep up with too!  Iphone, Ipod, Droid, Kindle… and this year the Ipad reaches even further.   Have you ever wondered how far technology is advanced?   This video by Corning Glass will give you a glimpse of the future.   The question is not if it is possible or real .. it is which generation will get to experience this amazing technology!


Bathroom Safety with Style

Bathroom Safety with Style

Regarding bathroom safety, we often think of boring grab bars and industrial-looking fixtures. But it’s time to change that perception.

About the Designer

BeckySue Becker, CMKBD, CAPS, CLIPP™

Becky Sue Becker is a Certified Master Kitchen & Bath Designer, Certified Aging-In-Place Specialist, and Certified Living-In-Place Professional™. She is an award-winning designer serving the greater Atlanta region.