Often times I am running out the door and do not have the time to fill my water bottle, or even a large glass for that matter. Later I’m quenching a thirst for water but refusing to pay the $1+ cost per bottle (over $10 gallon!). TapIt refilling network is smart, and one of the most sustainable ideas I’ve read about yet! But the TapIt network is not just about going bottle-less; less bottles, less recycling, less water privatization and extraction, it’s about understanding why those things are a problem and finding new and sustainable 21st century solutions.
TapIt water bottle refilling network was founded in 2008 to give New Yorkers free access to clean sustainable water on the go. Café owners sign up as ‘partners’ to provide tap water to those who carry a reusable bottle. They are now growing nationwide. Partner locations are easy to find using their search and mapping features (PC or Smartphone) or by downloading ‘TapIt Water’ from the iPhone App store. For those with limited access to technology, printable city maps can be downloaded and stickers can be found on their website at http://www.tapitwater.com.
Read TapIt’s Blog. Use TapIt. Become a TapIt Partner – and let everyone know that clean sustainable water matters to you.
From the TapIt Team…
Our small team is committed to making the TapIt network a reality across the U.S. But we need you, people who believe in our mission and are willing to use the TapIt network; people who believe in new types of businesses and that business and doing right go together; local business owners willing to make 21st century business decisions that increase foot traffic and sales while supporting their community’s sustainability goals.
We’re working hard to give you a genuine alternative to bottle water and sugary beverages when you’re on the go, so that you can stay healthy, save money and live a happy and sustainable life. Think your city is ready to start a local water movement? We want to work with you!