Design & Construction Week 2014

February 4-6, 2014 is a big week for all those that design, build, construct, specify and sell products for the home. It is the first annual Design & Construction Week which is a joint venture between the National Association of Home Builders and the National Kitchen & Bath Association. The International Builder Show (IBS) and […]

BeckySue Becker, CMKBD, CAPS, CLIPP™

Published 01/29/2014

February 4-6, 2014 is a big week for all those that design, build, construct, specify and sell products for the home. It is the first annual Design & Construction Week which is a joint venture between the National Association of Home Builders and the National Kitchen & Bath Association. The International Builder Show (IBS) and the Kitchen & Bath Industry Show (KBIS) will take place at the same time in Las Vegas. This is sure to be a winning combination and the enthusiasm is broad among professionals of all types across the country.

I am thrilled to be attending and aim to learn about the latest and greatest trends and new product introductions before anyone else can even Google it. Manufacturers keep many of the new intros a secret until the show! When I’m not strolling the aisles of this amazing show, I also have countless options to attend seminars and continued education classes from some of the best speakers and vendors.

Viva Las Vegas…here I come!


Bathroom Safety with Style

Bathroom Safety with Style

Regarding bathroom safety, we often think of boring grab bars and industrial-looking fixtures. But it’s time to change that perception.

About the Designer

BeckySue Becker, CMKBD, CAPS, CLIPP™

Becky Sue Becker is a Certified Master Kitchen & Bath Designer, Certified Aging-In-Place Specialist, and Certified Living-In-Place Professional™. She is an award-winning designer serving the greater Atlanta region.