The Remodeling Magazine Cost vs Value Report is one of the most respected and valued reports to my business, and most importantly for my clients. It illustrates the average costs nationally and regionally, and equally importantly what the average return on your investment will be.
On their site, you can compare national and regional averages for 33 popular remodeling projects; you can also download a PDF with project data for any one of 80 U.S. cities. Falling home prices pushed the value of remodeling investments down for the fourth consecutive year, but small-scale projects and replacements may be leading the way to recovery.
Over the years, the Remodeling Cost vs. Value Report has been a reliable gauge of the general temperature of the residential remodeling and real estate markets. Typically, it is retrospective, but at times it has served to forecast a trend, as it did in 2006. That year the cost-to-value ratio dropped more than 10 points, a downturn that most remodeling professionals didn’t begin to feel until a year or more later. That 2006 Report was even out ahead of existing home prices, which in most markets didn’t start to drop until 2007.
Last year, the deepening housing crisis and fourth-quarter financial market meltdown made it difficult to interpret the Cost vs. Value data, which was collected over… READ MORE
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